Building A Law Firm

118: 5 Reasons Your Law Firm Website Sucks



5 Reasons Your Law Firm Website Sucks I have seen a lot of law firm websites in my day... And most of them suck. I thought I'd run down five reasons your law firm website sucks, and how to fix the problems, so you can get more clients, make more money, and have a better life. Here we go. 1. Your Law Firm Website Is All About You No one cares that you are aggressive or compassionate or dedicated, or that you have an LLM, graduated from Harvard, or are a member of the Rotary. Humans are selfish. People want to know what's in it for them. The sooner you stop talking about yourself and start talking about the transformation people are going to experience after they've hired you the sooner your law firm website will start crushing it for you. 2. You Hired the Wrong People to Build Your Site If you hired some law firm website company to build your site for you because they have "SEO" and any other buzzword you want to throw in there, you're not doing it right. Those companies make all of their sites loo