Aloha Shorts

Aloha Shorts - May 8, 2012



Animals: Pets, Predators, and People 3 (NEW) "Brazilian Cardinals" by Joseph Stanton, read by David Farmer Bamboo Ridge 52 (Fall 1991): 107-109 Also published in A Field Guide to the Wildlife of Suburban O‘ahu (St. Louis, Missouri: Time Being Books, 2006): 57-58 "Turtles" by Lois-Ann Yamanaka, read by Monica Cho Bamboo Ridge 52 (Fall 1991): 158-159 Republished: Saturday Night at the Pahala Theatre (Bamboo Ridge 58/59, 1993): 99-101 Also published in Island Fire: An Anthology of Literature from Hawai‘i. Cheryl A. Harstad and James R. Harstad, eds. (Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press and Curriculum Research and Development Group, University of Hawai‘i, 2002): 164-165 "Dead Dogs RIP" by Lois-Ann Yamanaka, read by Darryl Tsutsui Saturday Night at the Pahala Theatre (Bamboo Ridge 58/59, 1993): 88-90 Also published in Bomb 46 (Winter 1994) And on audiocassette: Saturday Night at the Pahala Theatre (Honolulu: Bamboo Ridge Press, 1993) "Kid" by Lois-Ann Yamanaka, read by Karen Loebl Kaulana Bamboo Rid