Aloha Shorts

Aloha Shorts - April 3, 2012



Liquid Words: Ocean, Sea, and Stream #1 (NEW) "Surf Journal" by Mark Thiel, read by No‘ukahau‘oli Revilla Bamboo Ridge 98 (Fall 2010): 204-205 "Over the Falls" by John Clark, read by Aito Simpson Steele Bamboo Ridge 84 (25th Anniversary Issue, Fall 2003): 162-165 "Sharks in Shapes of 8" by Norman Hindley, read by Bill Ogilvie From Winter Eel by Norman Hindley (Honolulu: Petronium Press, 1984) "Kahuna Dave" by Lee Cataluna, read by Tracy Yamamoto (with Esther Izuo) Folks You Meet in Longs and Other Stories (Bamboo Ridge 86): 112-113