Aloha Shorts

Aloha Shorts - December 6, 2011



Fathers 3 (NEW) - “Going Bananas” by Wing Tek Lum, read by Daryl Bonilla Expounding the Doubtful Points (Bamboo Ridge 34/35, Summer/Fall 1987): 43 “The Incorrigible Daughter” by Mary Ho, read by Sammie Choy Bamboo Ridge 17 (Winter 1983): 30-33 “Harlan Campos—On Supervised Release” by Lee Cataluna, read by Darryl Tsutsui Folks You Meet in Longs and Other Stories (Bamboo Ridge 86, Fall 2004): 88-89 Also published as a playscript: Folks You Meet in Longs (Honolulu; Kumu Kahua Theatre, 2003) 6-7 "Significant Moments in da Life of Oriental Faddah and Son" by Lee A. Tonouchi, read by Alvin Chan