Aloha Shorts

Aloha Shorts - June 14, 2011



"Tommy Pinto - Lives at Home" written and read by Lee Cataluna Folks You Meet in Longs and Other Stories (Bamboo Ridge 86, Fall 2004): 20-21 Also published as a playscript in Folks You Meet in Longs (Honolulu: Kumu Kahua Theatre, 2003): 7-8 "Crazy Aunty Cookie - Used to Be Married into the Family But Still Comes to Parties" written and read by Lee Cataluna Folks You Meet in Longs and Other Stories (Bamboo Ridge 86, Fall 2004): 34-35 Published as "All Your Favorite Relatives: Crazy Aunty Cookie" in Bamboo Ridge 81 (Spring 2002): 17-18 Also published as a playscript in Folks You Meet in Longs (Honolulu: Kumu Kahua Theatre, 2003): 12-13 "Poem for George Helm: Aloha Week 1980" written and read by Eric Chock Bamboo Ridge 9 (Winter 1980): 67-69 Republished in Ho?iho?i Hou: A Tribute to George Helm and Kimo Mitchell (Bamboo Ridge 22, Spring 1984): 57-59 and The Best of Bamboo Ridge (Bamboo Ridge 31/32, 1986): 21-23 and Last Days Here (Bamboo Ridge 45/46, Winter 1989/Spring 1990): 52-54 "Parts" written an