In The Trenches With The Toulons

EP18 - "Social Media & Rambling Kills"



In this session of In the Trenches with the Toulons, we chat about how Social Media is Killing Relationships. The Toulons Topic this episode come by an article from Elite Daily, "How Social Media is Killing Relationships and Making Our Breakups Even Worse" By Jen Soule. In this article Jen mentions eight reasons, you should lay off the social media if you don't want to ruin your relationship and suffer a breakup that's even worse than it should be. 1.ITS DISTRACTING US FROM ACTUALLY SPENDING TIME 2. WE'RE STALKING EACH OTHER 3. WE'RE OVERSHARING 4. WE'RE BECOMING ADDICTED TO ATTENTION 5.TINDER EXISTS. 6. WE COMPARE OUR RELATIONSHIPS TO OTHERS. 7. WE JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS 8. WE FOCUS ON STRANGERS' LIVES RATHER THAN OUR OWN