:15 With Andy, Randy, & Jeff

Episode 124: The Church - The Power Of Torn-Down Walls



Love binds everyone together in perfect harmony. When the church, the Body of Christ, loves one another, it become sight in the darkness. It becomes the answer for all the sin (misdirected love), and this love is found exclusively in the local church when God is having his way with the Body.Ephesians 2:13-16;19-22This week we had an unusually small number of our #fhcTAKEAWAYS in that there were only four total. Usually we only focus on one that coincides with the content we cover on a particular episode of the podcast but all four were really solid. And given our different format this week it seemed like all four should make an appearance: •How have I grown in my walk with God as a result of the ministry, insight, and example of other members of my Faith Family? •What gifts has God given me that might be a blessing to my fellow members? •If someone admits to an addiction, would they be lifted up in prayer and encouragement and acceptance in this church? •A choice: