Building A Law Firm

Where Have I Been? | Building a Law Firm 124



It has been quite some time since I last posted a podcast show here, and I wanted to end the drought and tell you a little bit about what I've been doing. It all boils down to four main things. First, the law firm got REALLY busy. So busy, in fact, that my manpower and systems were being pushed to the limit. So... I had to do change something. Second, I hired a new full time paralegal, expanded the office, and got her up and running. Then, the personal life started kicking in. Third, I had a kid start kindergarten and we tore down our house and started building a new one! (as if starting a law firm and doing all of that wasn't enough) Fourth, and finally, as part of my systems and processes update, I decided to update how I create this content. It's made for some bumps along the way, and slowed down the process while it was being put together. If you want all the details you have to listen to the show! Cheers. Christopher Small If this isn't enough for you, if you want MORE, then come and check out