New Books In Literature

Dinty W. Moore, “The Rose Metal Press Guide to Flash Nonfiction: Advice and Essential Exercises from Respected Writers, Editors, and Teachers” (Rose Metal Press, 2012)



In 1997, writer Dinty W. Moore launched a literary journal on a then-novel platform: the World Wide Web.  The journal, which he called Brevity, created a forum for works of nonfiction under 750 words in length.  Since it’s inaugural issue, Brevity has published hundreds of pieces that thrive on the concision and compression demanded of this genre, its almost haiku-like crystallization of literary art.  Brevity has also become the central voice for the genre, one that has its roots in figures such as Heraclitus, Seneca, Montaigne and today includes some of the most interesting writers working in nonfiction.  On Brevity’s blog and in its book reviews and essays on craft are discussions and debates about the nature of what, by turns, has been called the mirco-essay, flash nonfiction, or, in William Makepeace Thackery’s term, an “essaykin.”  Whatever it’s called, it’s a vibrant and fascinating genre, as Moore himself has shown in his own essays on George Plimpton, Frida K