Authentically You-richard & Cheri Himmer




We are delighted to welcome a good friend and brilliant mind to our show today, TJ Hoisington. TJ is an American author, professional speaker, entrepreneur, business consultant and publisher. His book, If You Think You Can!: Thirteen Laws That Govern the Performance of High Achievers is sold in 34 countries and also author of Return to Robinson Island, a sequel based Swiss Family Robinson. He is the host of Web show Lessons on Success, where he interviews high achievers.TJ shares his story of rags to success (it’s not always about riches, although he did pull up to my office this morning in a Mercedes). He masterfully weaves hope, grit, frustration, and despair into an uplifting experience that anyone can appreciate. TJ came from a military home of 8 children. He wore hand-me-downs and developed the belief that he couldn’t read as a child. He jokingly comments that he has written more books that he has read. Just listen to him and you’ll soon realize how distant that characterization is from reality.