Me Being Me

E53 5 Words that will Cure Your Inconsistency



We always know what we need to do. We know that we should do that thing.  Somehow we find ways to not do tasks, even sabotage the process of getting them done. The key is becoming consistent.When that happens you are faced with a choice. You can go down the rabbit hole of "What is Wrong With Me?"or choose a different path.  I am tired of the rabbit hole.  Let me share with you 5 words, a powerful mindset fix my friend shared with me.Get yourself as close as you can to doing the thing, but not actually doing it. Closer. To the edge. Then say those 5 little words, non-nonchalantly, shrug your shoulders.  It is not a big deal.Do I live this and use this tool? Yes!! I was lying in bed. It was dark. It was early. I knew I had this grueling workout ahead of me, so I said those 5 words. Guess What? I got up and had an amazing work out.Want to know what I said?  Join me on my journey of Me Being Me and listen to this podcast.If you have any questions, please reach out to me with a comment below or on the various soci