Me Being Me

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 20:33:48
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Wanna Create WAY MORE REAL VALUE in the world By Simply Being YOU?HA! ...doesn't everyone right?And I can already hear that voice in my head chattering away..."but I cant do THAT. What will they think of me??"And I'm calling BS on that whole line of thinking.I'm shining a light on it and showing that its all an illusion.Besides, its about time I decided to step into the fear of the unknown and be who I've always dreamed of being.And hey, ya never know, it might end up being easiesr than I thought! safe bet!Look, the bottom line is that this is the best way for us BOTH to get what we want.So, sit back, relax, and enjoy 'Me Being Me'-P


  • E70 Secrets To The Perfect Green Smoothie

    10/11/2018 Duração: 07min

    The secret of the green smoothie is more than I have one for breakfast everyday.  It is part of a process or ritual that I do to feed both my mind and body.  My daily scale, you may have heard me refer to it as the ladder, is a morning process that I do to set my mind and body for upcoming day.  It is not complicated, but it takes disciple to be committed to getting up at 5 am to work out.Many of the listeners and followers on social media drink a version every day as well. I am happy that you are giving yourself green love every day.  For those who have not made one before, I will tell how to make the perfect smoothie.  I may say perfect because my sister Jenn,  who has been having her own green smoothie almost every day for breakfast this year, said mine was better than hers.I challenge you to take action  - go make a green smoothie right now. If you do not love it, message me so we can talk about what you did possibly could not like.

  • E69 Why hang onto something that disempowers YOU

    09/11/2018 Duração: 12min

    Why do you refuse to let go of the thing that hurts or disempowers you?Recently Jenn and I were at dinner where I ran into a friend who experienced a very emotional loss - her infant son died soon after childbirth. She started down a path to distract herself from her pain.We all do that somewhere in our lives.  We are holding on to this belief - which may cause us pain or suffering and is not giving you what you want because we are committed to it. It is preventing us from taking action to get results in our lives. With her and others, I have seen people just sit with pain and WANT a something different. WANTING will not change the situation.We are arguing with reality. For my friend, she is arguing her son should be here and that she wants him here. It is very easy for us to be become stuck and not aware there is another choice?  Today I want you to write down what is the source or cause of your pain? Where are you fighting against reality? Can you see where the opposite belief and evidence agrees more with

  • E68 First step is to clearly SEE the future version of YOU

    08/11/2018 Duração: 11min

    Have you used the power of language to distinguish what others can not see?I was doing the morning process with my declared sister working on spinal waves.  Off in the distance she sees a mountain and tells me that she can see the face of an Indian Woman.  I could not see anything. With language she distinguished exactly what she saw: a feather, her nose, her chin, her eyes.  We do that with ourselves and our own lives. There are versions of us in the distance - seemingly so far away that we do not see it.  There is a version of you that you want to create more powerfully. A version of you that is strong across the board.  You got stop and slow down a second. Take that version of YOU that is out there and break it down in categories. Ask yourself what precisely is success in those categories that would allow you to ideally SEE this version of you.I challenge you to take ten minutes today to write down the various areas of your life and where you MUST be in 90 days out.  What are you committed to and willing t

  • E67 Advantage to Get Paid More Being You

    07/11/2018 Duração: 12min

    If you are listening to this podcast, you are serious from going from 10K to 20K to a month.  I am talking to those who have hit 20K a month, but it is not your standard. You now are at your minimum standard. As I called you to action in the last podcast, look at what you are committed to right now - your home, your car, your salary.  To achieve 20K a month could require more work and struggle.  Part of the issue is the way you are going about is not working. The other part is that you may be lost and have no idea what you do not know.  Now is the time when you need to make a clear decision.  Are you ready to have an awareness where you are coming from in every conversation?  I am talking about speaking things out loud, saying what you choose as an outcome. Does this sound obvious? Maybe but so many are not making that choice.Once you have this awareness, everyone wins. Your customers win. You win. Your kids and spouse win because you are present. Your church wins. Even the guy who mows your lawn wins.If this

  • E66 The two kinds of writing

    06/11/2018 Duração: 12min

    There are two kinds of writing that you can do, especially if you are attending a seminar, conference, journaling or writing down your thoughts. The first is to make you feel good.  It is very intellectual.  It could be ideas you already know or things that make you feel good.  In Jenn's case, she will be using the color blue. It was calming and passive.  This type of writing is mostly a waste of time. Nothing wrong with it, just acknowledge it. Think consumption mode.The second type of writing are things you MUST do. These will have numbers, dates, actions and typically have a check box next to them. Very simple did it happen or not.  These are things you are committed to changing or implementing.  For Jenn she decided to use the color red - writing them in blood. Think action mode.If I had these pens and this distinction of what color I was writing in, that alone would allow me to move powerfully forward. What are you committed to in the next 90 days? To help you visualize this activity, go stand outside yo

  • E65 For Increased Power In Life notice when you’re projecting your own “stuff” onto people

    24/10/2018 Duração: 18min

    Stop projecting your own ideas onto other people in your life!I had a podcast listener reach out to me.  It was great to see his own awareness of this topic.  As we go through life we are basically making stuff up and projecting our conclusions and ideas onto other people (our boss, our clients, our kids, our spouse, strangers, etc).  Most of the time it is not even true.  And then what happens is we hold back because we're coming to the interaction with that preframe already set in our minds.  Most of the time we don't even know that we're doing that. What we think is that's just how it is.Anywhere you find a sting where someone or something makes you really angry, sad or with pain -- right there that is your ego. You are not distinguishing it as your ego. As this podcast listener and I spoke, he asked how does one get rid of this disempowering reality?  My answer was 80% of it is just being able to notice and distinguish it -- just like he did.My invitation to you as you move about your life today notice wh

  • E63 Being Paid To Be You..Is it work or is it play

    23/10/2018 Duração: 13min

    It is a reminder that it is possible to get paid more to be WHO you are being anyway.  Yes I am saying doing less things and creating more value. The things we want to do anyway.  It comes down to our relationship with work and money. It is a very intertwined relationship. I would associate the productive thing would occur as the thing I did not want to do.  Even as an adult, when I hear work, I do not want to do it.My message today is brought to you curiosity of my kids. We are outside picking up rocks. In one sense this could be a very drudgeries task, but it is actually a learning one where we are having fun.  Normally the kids are the ones who get the landscape rocks into the grass. Today I did not get mad at my son Bode as he was throwing them into the grass.  Who he is and what I created is that there is nothing about him is wrong, he is a perfect and innocent.  So when he did the thing I did not want to do, I let him without getting mad.  I did not let that sting of my ego get to me.Who I am committed

  • E64 Parker Winder performing “Shape Of My Heart” (Original Lyrics written by Sting)

    23/10/2018 Duração: 10min

    As promised, here is a version of Sting's "Shape of My Heart" but with lyrics that are more line with Me Being Me as a Key Player. He plays the keys as meditation and those he plays for never suspect. He does not play for the money he wins.  He does not play for respect...He plays the keys to find the answers and knows in life it is not in chance. Delivering a probable outcome his fingers lead a dance....To me what it means, someone can be paid to pay the way how they to play. Be who they want to Be. Say what they want to say.  And see themselves as who they want to be.  We can exchange more value by being more of the real us.  This is the whole message of Me Being Me.  What does this song mean to you? I would love to hear your thoughts on what those chords and new words mean to you.  Look forward to talking to you soon.Reach out to me below, on Instagram or Facebook ( or at               

  • E62 Wanna create a little mini movement of people who pay you to have fun and be YOU

    21/10/2018 Duração: 29min

    We all know too well that voice in our head can get so loud, filling us with self-doubt, telling us to play small, stay safe.  It left unchecked, that voice starts to feel real.  The story we tell ourselves is we are destined that this is my life -- to be sad, to be frustrated, to be depressed, to not apparently live the life we dream.In this podcast, I will talk about The Scale system that shows you this version of you that operates the way you always wanted to but NEVER gave yourself permission to be so successful across the board.  Me Being Me is living my life as an example of what is possible for others.  As you hit The Scales and living your life more powerfully with integrity and congruence, you shine bright. People notice and see how powerful it is when each area of your life is woven together properly. You can play inside the boundaries or be like a rock star and make music / life your very own.As part of the Keys or the Scale, there are secrets I have figured out but have not shared on these podcast

  • E61 How To Conquer The Resistance Towards Uncomfortable Actions You SAID You’d Take

    17/10/2018 Duração: 09min

    Ever had that morning when you just could not get out of bed to face the tasks ahead of you?"i" did not want to get up -- not the real me.  I mean the me who I was thinking I was... the me who mis-identifies as himself as his body, his feelings and his thoughts. My body did NOT want to get up! The real me, the "I", wanted to get up, but my body hit snooze at 4:45 am without me even being conscious of it.In these moments where I find myself waking up late, judging myself, regretting the mistake of not getting up when I intended and then procrastinating further by thinking about how big the task was ahead of me, I do not do very well.We know what to do. We know what we ought to do. We know what is required. It is doing the action that puts youHere is another trick the saying “It is just what I do” or “It’s just who I am” does not give you enough strength.  We all have daily disciplines, but have you tried to break it down to smaller chunks? At times breaking it down hour to hour is great, but I am taking about

  • E60 Sometimes you just gotta let yourself be into yourself

    15/10/2018 Duração: 11min

    When was it that you started to talk so negatively about yourself? When did you start to be so critical toward yourself?There is a story from Jesse Elder that has stuck with me recently. He said that “haters” are always going to say that you are full of yourself.  Jesse’s response is who else should I be full of?  It is a great mantra to error on the side of too much positive reinforcement and belief in yourself..There is nothing wrong to say to yourself.... “I am an amazing legitimate human being with great intentions and a great heart doing the very best with that I can.  I am committed to doing better and actually giving myself full permission to believe that I am awesome.”Know that you can not go back in time to the past to change it.  You can only learn from any previous pain and experience. How I am doing this is creating 90-day commitments that a broken up into 30 day goals with weekly and daily targets.  It is this stacking or scales that keeps reminding me how awesome I am. As I have been over the pa

  • E59 What to do when your partner isn’t connected to God

    10/10/2018 Duração: 22min

    My wife and I are attending a marriage class at the church. It seems a majority of the attendees seemed to be in this mindset that if one of them is connected to God and the other one isn't and is distancing themselves from God, then the two people really aren't going to be connected. I was confused by this.   What really has a usefulness to me is understanding that God is pure consciousness, pure choice and, and the way that that applies in our lives is God is the ability to change our own mind, our own perspective.  If the other one really is truly connected to God, then what is God? Let's say God is pure love, pure acceptance, pure understanding, nothing but pure forgiveness.Imagine the worst, the most evil, vile, hurtful thing that you would never want to reveal about yourself to Christ, the Christ consciousness, and when you do that, you know you're thinking. I know that Christ is ultra-forgiving, he's ultra-loving and just, unconditional. You may be thinking this is so wrong, so, so dark. I doubt that h

  • E58 My client hired a fraudulent liar as her coach (me)

    09/10/2018 Duração: 25min

    To say the thing, you never want to say.If you asked folks close to me, they would tell you (most likely in secret) that I am a lazy, lying, fraudulent coach.  It is true.  We all say negative things about ourselves, but those words / thoughts / feelings have no power unless actually back that declaration up with integrity.  That is what gives it power.  But to acknowledge it, own it, see it, sit with it, so then you can let it go has no power.As you know, on my journey of Me Being Me, I have talked in my past about needing money, needing a certain outcome. Earlier this year, I needed money for a car payment.  I was committed to receiveing money - even from a person who might not be the best fit or someone that i really did not want to help.  I got a warm lead using my "sales" skills, to give me the money even though part of me did not feel I deserved it as I was posturing myself to her.Her vote of confidence in me, melted my heart and I was grateful for this trust. The next day she told me how she broke inte

  • E57 Be Willing to let go of that which you WANT

    08/10/2018 Duração: 18min

    As you have been listening to this podcast, I think you know that sometimes I find paradoxes on my journey of Me Being Me.  The things we want really bad guide us to take actions, but then we expend a lot of energy to the thing we have become attached to obtaining. For me when that thing is right in front of my grasp, that is where i have screwed up and missed it.Today I was being super present with my wife as she was getting ready for our daughter's birthday party.   At the end of the night I just wanted to have sex and I knew from the beginning that was my game plan starting the day.  The kids were in bed. We were in our bedroom.  Tonight I had gas.  I am not going to lie, it was pretty stinky farts.  My wife walks into the room and basically told me "if you're wanting to have sex tonight, uh, that's probably not going to happen because you stink so bad."I was so mad. I had made it this far only to be stopped by my farts. Tonight I did something different.  I decided to give her love and connection and just

  • E56 Music Lesson: Sting (Shape of Your Heart) and Maroon 5 (Girls like You)

    07/10/2018 Duração: 32min

    Welcome to another piano lesson with Me Being Me.  As I mentioned in a previous podcast, somehow Sting's Shape of Your Heart came across my path. I really enjoyed this song and decided it was time to learn it.In fact, I want to share with you how I learned to play this song.  Listen along as I teach you how to pull out the baseline, find the notes on the keyboard and play along with the music.Bonus Time:  I will share with you how to play Maroon 5's Girls Like You song.  For beginners, this song is much easier to get the hang of the notes.  Not to mention it is a fun song.As you listen to this podcast, I would love to have a review of this type of music lesson.  For those who have reached out, thank you.  I am curious to see what songs folks want to learn how to play. Please leave a comment for potential future Music Lessons.

  • E54 What I SEE exists in ME

    06/10/2018 Duração: 20min

    For those of you who have been on this journey with me, you have heard me say this is the show where everything is made up and the points do not matter.  We can play the game from this new perspective and a new perspective is constantly reinforced because it's extremely powerful, but the way to constantly reinforced this new and powerful perspective is to call the bluff, call bs on the ego and do it every day. Do it every day.How? You say the thing that you couldn't say, you do the thing that you couldn't do. I am here to tell you that you can. I have done it and my clients have done it. Time for you, the Me Being Me Community, to do it as well.To accomplish this is my inner stance. That's my I am. That's where I'm coming from. That is the stance that I've intentionally created and embodied and operated from and operate from. That's in my control, is my total choice. It is where an affirmation may be made out of it.I want to be clear as well that who I am to YOU has nothing to do with me. What I see exists in

  • E55 Are you ANXTY _ You need to get laid

    06/10/2018 Duração: 35min

    Do you have a relationship that is not where you see it? Have you noticed in that relationship there are moments of angst and you just don't know how to get rid of it?  The key is to be clear that you are completely responsible for and willing to take full responsibility of that relationship.WARNING: If you want to be a victim or say that I can not create that relationship because THEY will not change, STOP.  If you ever see me or anyone in this Me Being Me or Key Player Community call us out.  You will never be a version of yourself that creates and exchanges more value with that attitude.This episode is about my love language. Love for me, it typically is in the form of sex.  Any love language is that validation from your significant other.  Well for me when sex is in doubt, it can create a potentially angst dynamic where in the back of your mind you're wanting the sex and you're hoping for it, but you've been maybe rejected so many times that you don't have the confidence to just be super direct about it a

  • E53 5 Words that will Cure Your Inconsistency

    05/10/2018 Duração: 08min

    We always know what we need to do. We know that we should do that thing.  Somehow we find ways to not do tasks, even sabotage the process of getting them done. The key is becoming consistent.When that happens you are faced with a choice. You can go down the rabbit hole of "What is Wrong With Me?"or choose a different path.  I am tired of the rabbit hole.  Let me share with you 5 words, a powerful mindset fix my friend shared with me.Get yourself as close as you can to doing the thing, but not actually doing it. Closer. To the edge. Then say those 5 little words, non-nonchalantly, shrug your shoulders.  It is not a big deal.Do I live this and use this tool? Yes!! I was lying in bed. It was dark. It was early. I knew I had this grueling workout ahead of me, so I said those 5 words. Guess What? I got up and had an amazing work out.Want to know what I said?  Join me on my journey of Me Being Me and listen to this podcast.If you have any questions, please reach out to me with a comment below or on the various soci

  • E52 I Looked at Porn .... Because it Just Feels Good

    03/10/2018 Duração: 33min

    Yep! I said it. I have watched porn. I am saying the thing I could never say to the person I could never say it to: You and Me.I was taught so firmly. I was warned so strongly. I was told about the stern judgment. I would never even let the idea of pornography crossed my mind. I just wouldn't, I just couldn't. It literally never even occurred to me to like look at it or indulgent it and enjoy it.Let me take you on a journey as a young man on his mission for his church, using the family computer to discover online imagine and videos, and my relationship with my dad and my wife.Why am I telling you? Hiding and not admitting is not the me that I am. Here is where I am calling my set out and letting go of this secret.  When I say Me Being Me being paid to be me, I am talking about the Me or You who create more value just for being you Us.  Value is not in the Ego. My journey of Me Being Me has been full of discovery and insights. I am Parker --  unapologetically owning the truth of whatever's there.  I have nothi

  • E51 Honor Your Word OR Your Feelings?

    02/10/2018 Duração: 25min

    Have you ever been in a situation where you are out in public and see someone you just do not want to see or talk with? What is it that we would rather hide than walk into that conversation? For me it has typically been the FEAR of what person will think of me.On my journey of Me Being Me, it has not always been easy to honor my word and my commitment over the feelings and thoughts I have.  I preach and teach on how my morning routine sets my day - it stacks it in my favor.  Man, there are times I have credible, I dare say incredible excuses, that I was up with my little kids so I do not get up to do what I know I am committed to doing.  I am embarrassed that I am not honoring my word, but my feelings or thoughts that sleep is more important to what I know I need to do.  Here is another situation where I would hide or avoid those I have taught.With any situation or I guess setback, there is a lesson to be learned.  I ask myself how can I live what I'm teaching so that I can bring more integrity to my own mess

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