Me Being Me

E40 Create The Version of You That Gets Paid More



Take a walk with me on this 40th episode as I tell you why the points do not matter, the work of  Bryon Katie, understanding perspective (especially from a sleeping dog named Lassie), the power of living a declaration and how you occur to yourself, how relationship correlates to how you occur to others, the defintion of me vs Me, and a few other topics over the next 90 minutes.Tonight a bit of jealous reared it's ugly head as I compared myself to another's podcast. There were times when I would personally get triggered.  When I'm being an immature version of myself (being the me with a lowercase m), I am all up in my ego.  I am the me that is immature, selfish, egotistical, wanting to be right, wanting to be right, wanting to look good, wanting to make my ego be gratified and feel good.  I am the version of me that is NOT paid more to just be me.  I don't want to put more of my energy into lowercase me. That's the me, I want to identify with less and less and less and the me that I want to be because I can be