Me Being Me

E11 Who am I? What am I? What is it that we actually are?



Who it is that you are committed to being?  Who am I? What am I? What is it that we actually are? It requires you to understand that you are not. You are NOT your thoughts and your feelings.You say affirmations of who you want to be, but do you live that way? Are you being that affirmation?Have you ever noticed there seem to be two types of people in the world? The first who talk about who they are; describing their feelings and thoughts. The second are those who just operate from that place of Being.It takes a high level of personal commitment to be that I AM versus i am.  If you do not have a know what “that” is, you may have trouble moving forward without clarity.  However if you do know what “that” is and can’t feel it, an important step is to distinguish who you are not.I know who I want to be. I want to be Paid More to Be Me.  If interested, let’s talk more on how You Being You can get you Paid More.Remember I AM….