Building A Law Firm

What to do (and NOT do) when Business Slows Down | BLF 133



You ever experience a slow down with your law firm? I have - many times. And I will again. Here are some of the things I do to keep from going crazy AND break out of those slumps as fast as possible... -------------------------------------------- Building a Law Firm works on three pillars: 1. consistent content 2. paid advertising 3. Mindset If you can master those three pillars you can start a law firm and build a law firm that will give you EVERYTHING you want in life. These videos will get you there. BUT, if you want more, there is more. THE BACKROOM is for those of you interested in do-it-yourself. You can join for free for 7 days and try it out here: THE SYNDICATE is for those of you that want one-on-one help, accountability, and to go FAST. You can apply to be a Syndicate member here: Last, but not least, I host a LIVE EVENT every quarter (January, April, July, and October) to help you get more clients, build a better f