Feminine As F*ck

5: The Disease of Comparisonitis



This episode is an important one. One thing that so many of us are suffering from, is comparisonitis. It's a bit of a killer. It leaves you feeling unworthy, not good enough, and like everyone is better than you.  It's a toxic disease that leaves you in your head and out of your body.  In this episode we cover:  ☾ What is comparisonitis and how from a biological level it can 'protect' us  ☾ How it robs you from your own happiness  ☾ How this lowers your vibration  ☾ The importance of understanding how fear doesn't feed sustainable growth ☾ How to get out of your ego based thoughts  ☾ Stop pushing the pain away and start sitting in it ☾ Assuming things is worrying about the past or the future, not being in the present ☾ How to deal with a phase of comparisonitis  ....and so much more!  ♡NYC event 23rd Feb '19: Buy tickets here ♡Follow Monica on Insta: @monicayateshealth  ♡Programs, content, and freebies - monicayates.com.au ♡YouTube: Monica Yate