Feminine As F*ck

15: How to start eliminating your period pain



I hear of so many of you beautiful women suffering with period cramps and although it might be a 'basic' topic, it's a really important one to cover. This podcast is like the 'intro' of things to do and i'll do a 'level 2' version later on.  Things we cover:  ☾ What actually are periods cramps? ☾ How to prevent them? ☾ The things to start including more of in your life ☾ The things to reduce in your life ☾ Your questions are answered from Instagram ☾ And then random other sh*t cause that's me  Please email or Insta DM your questions and i will answer them in the next poddy!  ♡For a Strategy Session click here ♡To join my Feminine AF Mastermind click here ♡Follow Monica on Insta: @monicayateshealth ♡Programs, content, and freebies - monicayates.com.au ♡Email hello@monicayates.com.au