Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



Good Evening From Rob with Cowboy Wisdom. Tonight I speak about people encompass all the dark delusions in the world. As I now grasp people have taught to hate through a silent ingrained of profane inanity.  I awoke with this question poking me in my comfort zone cloned control… How is war poverty and struggle the worlds silent comfort zone of secret control? Instantly unblocked my steam heated sassy tenacity as I now understand the world understands strive and struggle two ways #1 powers to be crassly grasp keep people struggling they are easier to control and dominat two people stay in struggle and strife they stay loyal to the those who feed them because struggle and strive it is self taught comfort zone of following societies instructions that people need the powers to be to feed and cloth them is a blemish of our systems of control  since the beginning of time till as the powers to be control has began it’s descent to oblivion to never breath again in my life because I now understand admit and admire al