Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



Good Evening Rob with Cowboy Wisdom opens peoples eyes to understand their dreams are unique to their inner voyage that will forever be expressed on the physical plane unlocks peoples understanding their dreams show true undiscovered lifestyle people deserve within their accomplished outcomes. I now realize I gave stuff away yet zilch occurred. When I gave stuff away people promised yet they were to busy. Giving is a fine line of the divine and benign. I now understand giving things expecting stuff is bogus yet giving without attachment is dynamic. I put my embedded dreads that live in my head to bed because I unblocked a bold brilliance to understand admit and heed head is the bone structure of my spiritual structure allowed me to fissure my thinking memory mind unbinded my inspirational expressions to flow from deep within me myself and I to realize the sunrise strength of my brainpower that gleam my sunny brainprowess that washes away all my embedded dreads clears my soothsayer yeasayer daredevilry to h