Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



Good Evening I am Rob with Cowboy Wisdom tonight I talk how knowing is block because I tried to live my life by knowing rather than listening the lore of the airwaves. How does knowing keep me talking and living with the events of the past? I now admit to me I talk about where I have been rather than where I desire to experience to reside on my cloud nine instantly opened my innerwise to understand I write to the images of my dreams feel the energy of my desires lights fire in gut to strut my savvy tenacity speaking... To the accomplished outcome of my dreams and desires with bright bold light of my achiever lore leads and illuminates my paths of desire feeling my fiery foresight excite my adventurous warrior is aware the fairy tale I desire to experience is ready and willing to be unleashed for me to enjoy as my way of life now and forever more... Thank You and I Love You