Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



I am Robert A. Wilson with Cowboy Wisdom Hypnotherapy, NLP, Dream Sculpting and Past Regression Specialist with visionary vocabulary to expand you through life. I now realize I everything in the school system was taught from the past keeping the past present in my life with my limitations be prevelant through out my day to day life. I now understand I never do want I opens my wiseeyses to understand I encompass the guts to experience everything I desire. I boldly asked me… How am I afraid to feel and trust my Iwon willpower? Instantly open trail of I failed because I admit respect understand and admire I taught myself to accept defeat and what other people said was the outcome that left me drowning in my sorrow because what I accepted was never what my innermost innovator was expressing so now I admit get and grasp I taught myself to accept less that the best was callous fallacy I accepted in my life went a way today as I unleashed my natural audacity to appreciate my life experiences as inspirational expr