Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



Rob talks about his childhood and the ridicule from his childhood still affects his life today? Rob opens up how ridicule and trying to fit into with others was fear in the mind and being scared in the gut caused a low self-esteem. I now realize concede and heed my past is my present because I memorized and remember my past because I remember all the resentment and shame of unsavory events more than the blessed as I was unwilling to understand admit and get the same resentful events are occurring now because pain and suffering is what I taught me myself and I  and was taught to me through ageless arrogance of being compared to others that silently stole my self-esteem I see today... As I now admit I spent time trying to heal the past that never existed as I now grasp respect and admire I experience and live a continuous now that avows the wow of me frees me caring about what nagging naysayers say about me because I now am pleased and at inner ease as long as they are talking about me the rest of the world i