Streetwise Hebrew

#256 Zero Is the New Hero



Reflecting on the recent decision in Israel to go to elections again only months after the last, US President Trump said that Israeli politics are messed up and that the country needs to “get its act together.” One Hebrew translation of Trump’s quote read: “hem tsrichim lehit’apes al atsmam” (הם צריכים להתאפס על עצמם), which is extremely slangy and highly appropriate for the moment. So on today's episode Guy talks about the verb להתאפס. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: She-yit’apsu sham - They should get their act together, there - שיתאפסו שם Hem tsrichim lehit’apes al atsmam - They need to get their act together - הם צריכים להתאפס על עצמם Lehit’apes - To get one’s act together - להתאפס Efes - Zero - אפס Ani efes - I am a nobody - אני אפס Le’apes - To calibrate, to reset - לאפס Le’apes stopper - To reset a stopwatch - לאפס סטופר Le’apes et ha-neshek - To adjust or calibrate a rifle - לאפס את הנשק Ipus neshek - weapon recalibration - איפוס נשק Hu me’apes et ha-hayal