Streetwise Hebrew

#255 You Can't Fire Me! I Quit!



There is a small yet significant difference between the Hebrew words פוטרתי and התפטרתי which share the common root פ.ט.ר. The former means “I was fired” and the latter means “I quit.” On this episode, Guy covers all things פ.ט.ר, including the words for exemption, resignation, and dismissal. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: “Ani putarti, lo hitpatarti” - “I was fired, I didn’t quit” - “אני פוטרתי, לא התפטרתי” Yesh hevdel bein ‘putarti’ le-ven ‘hitpatarti’ - There is a difference between ‘I was fired’ and ‘I quit’ - יש הבדל בין ‘פוטרתי’ לבין ‘התפטרתי’ Putarti - I was fired - פוטרתי Hitpatarti - I resigned - התפטרתי “Hitputar” - Someone that was made to quit - “התפוטר” Lefater - To fire - לפטר Ata mefutar/At mefuteret - You’re fired - אתה מפוטר / את מפוטרת Hu putar - He was fired - הוא פוטר Ata putarta - You were fired - אתה פוטרת Ani putarti - I was fired - אני פוטרתי Piturim - Dismissal - פיטורים Michtav piturin - A letter of dismissal - מכתב פיטורין Michtavei pit