Streetwise Hebrew

#254 Come On, Don't Be Irritating



In order to say “that's irritating” or “I'm irritated” in Hebrew, we first need to learn the root ע.צ.ב, which gives us the word עצבים (nerves). Now imagine this scenario... you're at the office, hard at work. You ask a colleague to grab you coffee from the kitchen. But walking over to the other side of the office is the last thing they want to do. So they give you that look. You know the look. What do you say now? Hebrew slang to the rescue! Guy explains the proper usage of נו, אל תעצבן (nu, al te’asben). Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Atsabim - Nerves - עצבים Eize atsabim - How irritating; What a bummer - איזה עצבים Eize atsabim itcha - You’re irritating - איזה עצבים איתך Eize basa - What a bummer - איזה באסה Hu hataf atsabim - He got angry - הוא חטף עצבים Hu hataf alai atsabim - He got angry at me - הוא חטף עליי עצבים Ole li al ha-atsabim - It gets on my nerves - עולה לי על העצבים ha-muzika ha-zo ola li al ha-atsabim - This music is getting on my nerves - המוז