Streetwise Hebrew

#251 Drink Up



Shtiya means drinking, but it could also means beverages. In the last Israeli elections, political pundits spoke about shtiyat kolot, ‘votes drinking.’ What does it mean, and how did this saying make the jump from army slang to civilian slang? Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Shtiya - Drinking, beverages - שתייה Hu shata - He drank - הוא שתה Lishtot - To drink - לשתות Shata-Lishtot; Ratsa-Lirtsot; Bana-Livnot Efo ha-shtiya - Where are the drinks? - ?איפה השתייה Ma lehavi? - What should I bring? - ?מה להביא Falafel plus shtiya 20 shekel - Falafel plus drink for 20 shekel - פלאפל פלוס שתייה 20 שקל Shtiya kala - Soft drinks - שתייה קלה Yesh shtiya kala? - Are there any soft drinks? - ?יש שתייה קלה Mashka’ot, shtiya - Beverages - משקאות, שתייה Shtiya charifa - Alcoholic drinks - שתייה חריפה Mechonat shtiya - Beverage vending machine - מכונת שתייה Kampeyn neged shtiya - A campaign against drinking - קמפיין נגד שתייה Im shotim, lo nohagim - If you drink, you don’t drive