Streetwise Hebrew

#250 Setting a Good Example



In Hebrew dugma (דוגמה) is “an example,” and ledugma (לדוגמה) means “for example.” This root, d-g-m, is quite handy and from it we derive words and phrases like fashion model, sample, and the perfect husband. In this episode Guy provides many examples using the root ד.ג.מ. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Ledugma, lemashal - For example - לדוגמה, למשל Dugma, dugma’ot - Example, examples - דוגמה, דוגמאות Notnim lach elef dugma’ot - They give you one thousand examples - נותנים לך אלף דוגמאות Ten/Tni dugma - Give an example - תן/תני דוגמה Ba’al le-dugma - A model husband - בעל לדוגמה Mishpacha ledugma - The perfect family - משפחה לדוגמה Haver ledugma - Model friend, exemplary friend - חבר לדוגמה Dira le-dugma - A sample apartment - דירה לדוגמה Dugma ishit - Personal example - דוגמה אישית Dgima - Sample - דגימה Dgimat rok - Saliva sample - דגימת רוק Dgimat dam - Blood sample - דגימת דם Lidgom - To sample - לדגום “Ani rak dogem/dogemet” - I am just sampling - אני רק דוג