Streetwise Hebrew

#249 High Heels and Social Media Followers



How many followers (עוקבים) do you have on Facebook? What about Instoosh? Twitter? And what do high heels (עקבים) have to do with social networks? Well, not much except that they share a common Hebrew root. Follow closely as Guy talks about followers, following, follow up, and so much more. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Hu akav - He followed - הוא עקב Mi lo rotse od okvim ve-od laikim? - Who doesn’t want more followers and more likes? - מי לא רוצה עוד עוקבים ועוד לייקים? Okev, okvim - Follower, followers - עוקב, עוקבים Lo la’akov ahrei me’al 150 anashim - Don’t follow more than 150 people - לא לעקוב אחרי מעל 150 אנשים Kedei she-lo yagidu ‘hu okev aharei male, az okvim aharav male’ - So people won’t say, “he follows many people, so many people follow him” - כדי שלא יגידו ‘הוא עוקב אחרי מלא, אז עוקבים אחריו מלא’ Hem okvim aharav - They follow him - הם עוקבים אחריו Ma’akav - Surveillance, tracking - מעקב Keitsad okvim aharei havilot - How one follows packages - כיצ