Streetwise Hebrew

#246 Pulling It All Together



The Hebrew root מ.ש.כ (mashach) pulls together seemingly unrelated matters like gravity, ATMs, and the act of stalling for time. Mashach is highly resourceful and provides plenty of interesting uses and meanings. As always, Guy provides some serious slang insight. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Hu mashach - He pulled - הוא משך Zochrim et ha-tkufa ha-hi - Do you remember back in the day - זוכרים את התקופה ההיא She-ashkara hayinu tsrichim kartis - When we really had to have a card - שאשכרה היינו צריכים כרטיס Kedey limshoch kesef me-ha-caspomat - In order to withdraw money from the ATM - כדי למשוך כסף מהכספומט Limshoch kesef - To withdraw money - למשוך כסף Meshichat mezuman - Cash withdrawal - משיכת מזומן Meshicha minit - Sexual attraction - משיכה מינית Pahot meshichot - Less pulling -פחות משיכות Ko’ach ha-meshicha - Gravity - כוח המשיכה Limshoch zman - To buy time - למשוך זמן Timshoch od ktsat - Hang in there just a little longer - תמשוך עוד קצת Gever moshech - Att