Streetwise Hebrew

#244 Shabbat Shalom



Shabbat (שבת) in Hebrew means Sabbath. In a religious context, it’s the time span between Friday afternoon and Saturday evening. In secular terms, it's Saturday, the day of the week. So how do we tell them apart? It depends whether you've been invited Le-Shabbat or Be-Shabbat. And let's not forget the words we derive from the same root, like sabbatical, paralyzed, and strike. On this episode, Guy takes a closer look at שבת. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Bo elai le-shabbat - Come to me for a Shabbat - בוא אליי לשבת Bo nipagesh be-shabbat - Let’s meet on Saturday - בוא ניפגש בשבת Motsa’ei shabbat, motsash - Saturday night - מוצאי שבת, מוצ”ש Mahar, omnam, ze nehlash - Indeed, tomorrow it (the rain) will weaken - מחר, אמנם, זה נחלש Aval be-shabat hu shuv mithazek - But on Saturday it will intensify again - אבל בשבת הוא שוב מתחזק Datiyim lo yodu she-hem mehubarim be-shabbat - Religious people will not admit that they are connected on Shabbat - דתיים לא יודו שהם מחובר