Streetwise Hebrew

#243 Together or Separate?



Lehipared (להיפרד) means ‘to break up’ but can also be used to say goodbye. The root פרד is your foundation for the words you'll need to request the salad dressing on the side or to explain that you and a friend are paying separately. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Lehipared mi-mishehu - To break up with someone / say goodbye to someone - להיפרד ממישהו Shir preda - Break up song - שיר פרידה Preda, predot - Parting, breaking up - פרידה, פרידות Ani lo tov be-predot - I am not good in goodbyes - אני לא טוב בפרידות Nifradnu - We parted ways, we broke up - נפרדנו Nifradnu kach - This is how we broke up - נפרדנו כך Hem nifredu - They broke up - הם נפרדו Ze lo hegyoni lihyot be-nifrad - It’s not logical to live separately - זה לא הגיוני לחיות בנפרד Efshar et ha-rotev be-nifrad/ba-tsad/leyad? - Could I have the sauce on the side? - אפשר את הרוטב בנפרד/בצד/ליד Be-yahad o be-nifrad? - Together or separately? - ביחד או בנפרד? Ha-hof ha-nifrad - The “separate” beach - החוף ה