Streetwise Hebrew

#242 What a Hunk!



Lachtoch (לחתוך) means ‘to cut,’ like when we cut onions. But in slang, this word and its root ח.ת.כ can be used in many ways to mean many different things. From ‘breaking up’ to ‘you clean up nice,’ or ‘a hunk‘ and ‘a hottie.’ Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Lachtoch - To cut - לחתוך Eich hotchim batsal? - How do you cut onions? - איך חותכים בצל Eich lachtoch batsal bli dma’ot - How to cut onions without tears - איך לחתוך בצל בלי דמעות Ani hotech la-rochav dak dak dak - I cut it to the width thinly - אני חותך לרוחב דק-דק-דק Ani ose kama hatachim - I make a few cuts - אני עושה כמה חתכים Hatach, hatachim - Cut, cuts - חתך, חתכים Hituch - Cutting - חיתוך Hituchei ets - Wood carving - חיתוכי עץ Oto hituch dibur - We speak the same way - אותו חיתוך דיבור Hatachta mukdam - You left early - חתכת מוקדם Ki avar alecha yom kashu’ach - Because you had a rough day - כי היה לך יום קשוח Hatachti mi-sham - I am out of there - חתכתי משם Nira li ani hotech/hotechet - I am out, I