Streetwise Hebrew

#241 That'll Teach Them a Lesson



What’s the difference between lilmod and lelamed? What’s the difference between limud and limudim? And how could we have possibly missed the Hebrew root ל.מ.ד on a podcast meant to teach Hebrew?! Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Anahnu lomdim ivrit be-yahad kvar hamesh shanim - We’ve been learning Hebrew together for more than five years now - אנחנו לומדים עברית ביחד כבר חמש שנים Ma lamadeta ba-gan ha-yom - What did you learn in kindergarten today, my little boy? - מה למדת בגן היום, ילד קטן שלי Lamadeta, lamadet - You (m.), (f.) You learned - למדת Lomedet lalechet - Learning to walk - לומדת ללכת Hi lomedet Anglit - She learns English - היא לומדת אנגלית Lomdim lihyot im ze kacha - One learns to live it like that - לומדים לחיות עם זה ככה. Matai ochlim? - When do we eat? - מתי אוכלים? Eich omrim be-ivrit - How do you say it in Hebrew? - איך אומרים בעברית... Lilmod - To learn, to study - ללמוד Lelamed - To teach - ללמד Anachnu nelamed ota eich lehitgalgel - We’re going