Streetwise Hebrew

#238 Learning from Israelis' 2018 Music-Listening Habits



What can we learn from the music-listening habits of Israelis in 2018? Lots of interesting uses of Hebrew words and phrases! The internet music service Spotify just published data on the most popular music listened to by Israelis in 2018. We take a look at these songs and revisit our archives in order to remind ourselves when and why we used these songs in previous episodes. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   Spotify Music Lists: New Words and Expressions: Kmo shnei meshuga’im - Like two crazy people - כמו שני משוגעים Ani mode - I thank - אני מודה (episode #100) Mami ze nigmar - Honey it’s over - מאמי זה נגמר (episode #121) Hu gamar - He finished - הוא גמר Habibi - My darling - חביבי (episode #117) Yesh od anashim ba-reshima - There are more people on the list - יש עו