Streetwise Hebrew

#237 The Fixture Needs Fixing



Dropped your phone? Did the screen crack? The phone needs fixing! The Hebrew word you'll need to know is tikun, from the root תקנ. Use it when something needs to be fixed. Tikunim (plural of tikun) also means corrections, amendments, alterations. Not familiar with the תקנ root and its related words? We can fix that! Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Tikunchik, hendimen - Handyman - תיקונצ’יק, הנדימן Tikun, tikunim - Repair, repairs, corrections - תיקון, תיקונים Im at margisha mekulkelet, ani ha-tikun shelach - If you feel broken, I am your fix, your repair - אם את מרגישה מקולקלת, אני התיקון שלך Tikun ta’ut - Error correction - תיקון טעות Tikunim - Amendments, alterations - תיקונים Tikkun olam - “Repair of the world” - תיקון עולם Letaken - To repair, to fix - לתקן Ani lo yachol letaken et ha-olam - I cannot repair the world - אני לא יכול לתקן את העולם Tsarich letaken et ha-tanur - We need to fix the oven - צריך לתקן את התנור Mi yachol letaken li et ha-tris - Who coul