Streetwise Hebrew

#236 The Streetwise Center for Hebrew Learners



Gather = lerakez. Center = merkaz. Concentrated = merukaz. Coordinator = merakez. All these words share a common Hebrew root: רכז. Put aside all possible distractions because today's episode is laser-focused on the root RKZ. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode Check out TLV1's WhyWhyWhy! True Stories from Israel podcast  New Words and Expressions: Rikuz - Concentration - ריכוז Yesh yetsirot retsinioyt she-mevakshot rikuz male be-ozniyot - There are serious works (of music), that demand full concentration, with earphones - יש יצירות רציניות שמבקשות ריכוז מלא באוזניות Ehad mi-kol asara yeladim sovel me-hafra’at keshev ve-rikuz - One in every 10 children suffers from ADD Attention deficit disorder - אחד מכל עשרה ילדים סובל מהפרעת קשב וריכוז Mahane rikuz - A concentration camp - מחנה ריכוז Lerakez - To gather, to assemble - לרכז Merakez - He gathers / Coordinator - מרכז Rakaz - Coordinator - רכז Merkaz - Center - מרכז Merukaz - Concentrated - מרוכז Ani be-emtsa mashehu, ani lo merukaz - I am in the m