Streetwise Hebrew

#235 Explaining Common Mistakes in Spoken Hebrew



We often hear the same errors made over and over again by those learning to speak Hebrew. Some sound worse than others. But once pointed out, they'll be easy to fix. On this episode, Guy explains some of these common mistakes — why they happen and how to correct them. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Toda al X - Thanks for X - תודה על משהו Toda al ha-prachim - Thanks for the flowers - תודה על הפרחים Toda al ha-shi’ur - Thanks for the lesson - תודה על השיעור Toda al mi she-at - Thanks for being who you are - תודה על מי שאת Toda le-itai shelem, al ha-hafaka - Thanks Itai shelem for the production - תודה לאיתי שלם על ההפקה Toda le-Shai al ha-quiche - Thanks Shai for the quiche - תודה לשי על הקיש Toda al something, toda le someone Toda lach mami al ha-yom she-bo hiskamt lihyot ha-ima li-yeladai - Thank you darling for the day on which you agreed to become the mother of my children - תודה לך מאמי על היום שבו הסכמת להיות האמא לילדיי Toda al ha-cafe - Thanks for the coffe