Streetwise Hebrew

#234 Love Me, Love Me Not



Did you know that “I loved her” in Hebrew can be expressed using only a single word? On this episode, Guy talks love. “Loving”, “in love”, “falling in love”, “love me, love me not”... he covers all the bases. We're pretty sure you're going to love this episode. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Ani ohev shokolad - I like chocolate - אני אוהב שוקולד Ohevet lo ohevet - She loves me, she doesn’t love me - אוהבת לא אוהבת “Lo ohev” - I don’t like it - לא אוהב Zachiti le’ehov - I was fortunate to get the opportunity to love someone - זכיתי לאהוב Le’ehov - To love - לאהוב Ani shuv mit’ahev - I am falling in love again - אני שוב מתאהב Lehit’ahev be-mishehu - To fall in love with someone - להתאהב Mitlabesh - I am getting dressed - מתלבש Lehitkatev - To correspond - להתכתב Hit’ahavti ba-ktsina sheli - I fell in love with my officer - התאהבתי בקצינה שלי Yesh la yofi teimani - She’s got a Yemenite beauty - יש לה יופי תימני Hi ve-ani be-tkufat hit-ahavoot - She and I are in a pe