Streetwise Hebrew

#233 Side to Side



In Hebrew, צד is side. And what about its plural צדדים, sides? It's a bit of a mouthful. Today Guy explains the different sides of צד, as well as useful expressions like, “fine by me” and “there are two sides to every story.” Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Tsad, tsdadim - Side, sides - צד, צדדים Le-shnei ha-tsdadim - To both sides - לשני הצדדים “Birds-dadim” > (bir)ds-dadim > tsdadim Hatsida - Towards the side - הצידה Mi-tsad el/le tsad - From one side to the other - מצד אל צד, מצד לצד Mi-tsad ehad… Mi-tsad sheni - On one hand, on the other hand - מצד אחד, מצד שני Le-chol matbe’a yesh shnei tsdadim - There are two sides to every story - לכל מטבע יש שני צדדים Le-tsidech - On your (f.) side - לצידך Al tefani li makom le-tsidech - Don’t make room for me by your side - אל תפני לי מקום לצידך Ze lo yafe mi-tsidech - It’s not a nice thing to do by you - זה לא יפה מצידך Mamash lo yafe mi-tisdo/mi-tsida - It’s not a nice thing to do from his/her side - ממש לא יפה מצידו/מצ