Streetwise Hebrew

#229 Don't Get ”Fed Up” With Learning Hebrew



In Hebrew, “Nim’as li kvar” means I just can’t take it anymore, I am so fed up. The root, mem-alef-samech, is an interesting one and can be used in all sorts of ways, like in the translated sentence, “Are you fed up with ’butterflies’?” What does that even mean?! Guy explains. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Nim’as li - I am fed up with something - נמאס לי Nimas le-someone from something Dai, nim’as li mi-shkarim - I am fed up with lies - די, נמאס לי משקרים Nim’asta kvar alai - I am already fed up with you - נמאסת כבר עליי Nimas conjugated + al someone Hu nim’as alai - I am fed up with him - הוא נמאס עליי Hi nim’asa aleha - She’s fed up with her - היא נמאסה עליה Nim’asti al atsmi - I got fed up with myself - נמאסתי על עצמי Dai nim’asta - Enough already, I am fed up with you - די, נמאסת Ts, dai nim’as - Enough already - טסס, די, נמאס Nim’as lachem she-melachlechim lachem et ha-shati’ach? - Are you fed up when people dirty up your carpet? - נמאס לכם שמלכלכים לכם את