Streetwise Hebrew

#223 The Many Uses of Eich (איך)



Eich (איך), Hebrew for “how”, is a tiny word used very often in spoken Hebrew and in many different contexts. On this episode, Guy explains these uses through several examples from everyday life in Israel. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Eich - How - איך Eich shir nolad - How is a song born? - איך שיר נולד Eich haya? - How was it? - איך היה? Eich sham? - How is it there? - איך שם? Eich? - How are you? (sl.) - איך? Tagid eich ata / Tagidi, eich at - How are YOU doing? - תגיד, איך אתה / תגידי, איך את Eich omrim la she-hakol nigmar - How does one tell her that it’s all over - איך אומרים לה שהכל נגמר Eich omrim be-ivrit to go? Lalechet - How do you say in Hebrew ‘to go’? lalechet - איך אומרים בעברית ‘טו גו’? ללכת Eich omrim… (+ expression) - As one says - איך אומרים + ביטוי Eich kor’im la-hi/la-hu - What was the name of that girl/guy? - איך קוראים להיא/להוא? Eich she-pagashti ota, yadati - The moment I met her, I knew - איך שפגשתי אותה, ידעתי Eich she-nichnasti, raiti