Streetwise Hebrew

#220 Happy Happy Joy Joy



Simha (שמחה) in Hebrew is happiness or joy, but it can also mean a happy event. How would you say “to make someone happy” in Hebrew? Guy explains all things שמח on this extra joyful episode. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Simha - Happiness - שמחה Eize yom sameach li hayom - What a happy day I am having today - איזה יום שמח לי היום Esther Roth-Shachamorov Ani smeha she-ha-heseg ha-ze naasa mul einay - I am happy that this achievement was made before my eyes - אני שמחה שההישג הזה נעשה מול עיניי Sameach, smecha, smechim, smechot - Happy (adj. m., f., pl. m., pl. f.) - שמח, שמחה, שמחים, שמחות Yeladim ze simha - Children are happiness - ילדים זה שמחה Hi smeha - She is happy - היא שמחה Simha - Happy event - שמחה Yesh li simha ha-erev - I have an event tonight - יש לי שמחה הערב Yesh li eru’a - I have an event - יש לי אירוע Simha-Smahot - Joy, joys - שמחה, שמחות Smachot ktanot - Small joys - שמחות קטנות Ha-banot smechot - The girls are happy - הבנות שמחות Of simhes (Yidd