Streetwise Hebrew

#218 Could You Turn it Down a Bit?



There are several ways to ask an Israeli taxi driver to lower the volume on the radio that won't result in nasty looks. Today, Guy discusses these sayings and other words related to radio, like the Hebrew word for podcast. Listen to the all-Hebrew version of this episode   New Words and Expressions: Havita - Omlette - חביתה Aruhat boker israelit - Israeli breakfast - ארוחת בוקר ישראלית Pirsomot - Commercials - פרסומות Efshar lehahlish tipa? - Is it possible to turn it down a bit? - אפשר להחליש טיפה? Ata yachol lehahlish (be)vakasha? - Could you turn it a bit down please? - אתה יכול להחליש (ב)בקשה? Ze ma-ze hazak, efshar lehalish? - It’s really loud, could you turn it down a bit? - זה מה-זה חזק, אפשר להחליש? Lehagbir - To turn up the volume - להגביר Tagbir, tagbir - Turn it up! - תגביר, תגביר Leha’avir tahana - To switch to another station - להעביר תחנה Ata yachol leha’avir tahana? - Could you change the channel? - אתה יכול להעביר תחנה? Tahanat radio - Radio station - תחנת רדיו Podcast - Podcast - פודקסט Radio