Streetwise Hebrew

#213 A Eurovision Victory



Israel has just won the Eurovision Song Contest thanks to Netta Barzilai and her incredible song Toy. Guy walks you through parts of the song's Hebrew lyrics and reviews some of Israel's past Eurovision winners. Click Here for the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Ero-viz-yon - Eurovision - אירוויזיון Taharut zemer, taharut shirim - Song contest - תחרות זמר Nitsachon - Victory - ניצחון Ani lo buba - I am not a doll - אני לא בובה Biryonut - Bullying - בריונות Ani lo hafachti lihyot yafa - I didn’t become pretty - אני לא הפכתי להיות יפה Ani tamid hayiti - I have always been (pretty) - אני תמיד הייתי Ha-davar ha-yachid she-hishtana - The only thing that has changed - הדבר היחיד שהשתנה Ze ha-yedi’a sheli, ze ha-havana sheli - is my understanding - זה הידיעה שלי, זה ההבנה שלי She-magi’a li - That I deserve it - שמגיע לי Ve-ze tsarich lihyot kacha - And it should be this way - וצריך להיות ככה Hit’hashla - She was toughened up - התחשלה Kirkur tarnegolet - Cluck of a chicken - קרקור תרנג