Streetwise Hebrew

#210 Snatch Those Snacks!



This episode is about the root .ח.ט.פ, which is used in the Hebrew words חטף (snatch), החטיף (beat up), and חטיף (snack). Why is this root used in the word for snacks? Because they're something you can grab and eat on the go. Now grab a seat and enjoy another deliciously appetising episode of Streetwise Hebrew. Listen to the all-Hebrew version here:   New Words and Expressions: Hataf – He grabbed, snatched – הוא חטף Lahtof – To grab, snatch – לחטוף Hatafti pizza – I had some pizza (I grabbed a pizza) – חטפתי פיצה Hatafti mashehu katan – I had (eaten) something small – חטפתי משהו קטן Hatifa – Grabbing, kidnapping, hijacking – חטיפה ​Matos hatuf – Hijacked plane – מטוס חטוף Nehtaf – Was hijacked – נחטף Hatufim – Abductees – חטופים Mabat hatuf – Brief look – מבט חטוף Hotef – Kidnapper – חוטף Awo, hatafti maka – Ouch, I hit (my foot) – אאו, חטפתי מכה Hatafti shok – I was shocked – חטפתי שוק Hatafti janana – I became crazy, angry – חטפתי ג’ננה Hu hataf janana / ta-janana – He got c