Streetwise Hebrew

#209 Check Your Connection



The root חב"ר is rich. It's used in the Hebrew words for “composing”, “connecting”, “joining”, “adding”, and many more. In this episode, Guy explains this root and teaches us how to say the ever-important phrase, “I can't connect to the internet.” We also learn the difference between מחברת and חוברת. Looking for the full Hebrew version of this episode? You'll find it on Patreon at  New Words and Expressions: Targilei hibur - Addition exercises - תרגילי חיבור Lehaber - To add, connect, join - לחבר Shtayim ve’od shtayim shave arbe - Two plus two equals four - שתיים ועוד שתיים שווה ארבע Hibur - Essay, composition, connection - חיבור Hibur la-hashmal - Connection to the electricity - חיבור לחשמל Livdok et ha-hiburim - To check the connections - לבדוק את החיבורים Ani ro’a she-at mehuberet - I can see you’re connected - אני רואה שאת מחוברת At yechola lehaber oti le-mishehu be-X? - Could you put me in touch with someone at X? - את יכולה לחבר אותי למישהו ב-איקס? Mamash toda al ha-hibur -