Streetwise Hebrew

#208 What a Pass!



Meser is defined as message or theme, as in the meser of a story, or the main idea behind the text. But it also relates to text messages and to tradition. Guy explains this and more on today's episode. Looking for the full Hebrew version of this episode? You'll find it on Patreon at  New Words and Expressions: Ha-hazai moser et ha-tahazit - The weatherman delivers the forecast - החזאי מוסר את התחזית Limsor mismachim - To give documents - למסור מסמכים Tsarich limsor et ha-bakasha - One needs to physically hand over the application. - צריך למסור את הבקשה Hi moseret gura - She gives away a female puppy - היא מוסרת גורה Limsor gur le-imutz - To give away a puppy for adoption - למסור גור לאימוץ Limsor kadur - Pass the ball - למסור כדור Kaduregel - Football, soccer - כדורגל Timsor, timseri, timseru - Pass (the ball) (imp.) - תמסור, תמסרי, תמסרו Lama lo masarta/masart/masartem? - Why didn’t you pass the ball? - למה לא מסרתָ/מסרתְ/מסרתם? Mesira - A pass of the ball - מסירה Eize mesira! -