Streetwise Hebrew

#207 You Turn Me On!



The words daluk, nidlak, and lehadlik are all related to turning on electric devices. However, they could also mean ‘turn on’ in the sensual sense. To complicate things further, the word letadlek, from the same root, is to ‘refuel’ as well as slang for ‘to drink alcohol.’ Perhaps this week’s show is not the most kid-friendly of episodes.   Patrons can find the all-Hebrew version of this episode on   New Words and Expressions: Al ha-mahane nidlak yare’ah - Over the camp the moon is lit - על המחנה נדלק ירח Nidlakim ha-orot ba-hadarim - The lights are lit in the rooms - נדלקים האורות בחדרים Ha-oto lo nidlak li - The car wouldn’t start - האוטו לא נדלק לי Ha-mahshev lo nidlak - The computer wouldn’t turn on - המחשב לא נדלק Lehidalek - To be ignited, to be turned on - להידלק Nidlak me’atsmo - Turned on by itself - נדלק מעצמו Ma nidlakta/nidlakt/nidlaktem achshav? - What are you on about now? - מה נדלקת/נדלקתם עכשיו? Daluk - Turned on, switched on - דלוק Oy lo, hish’arti et ha-boi