Streetwise Hebrew

#206 What Do You Think?



"Lahshov" means to think, a crucial word and root. From "One could think" to "without thinking twice" and "think about it", this episode teaches all the thought-related expressions you can, well, think of. Pro tip: "Let me think about it" is a perfect phrase to use with pushy marketing people.   Looking for the full Hebrew version of this episode? You'll find it on Patreon at   New words and expressions: Lahshov – To think – לחשוב Lakachat pesek zman ve-lo lahshov – To take some time off and not to think – לקחת פסק זמן ולא לחשוב Ve-hu hoshev she-yeladim ma'aminim la-ze – And he thinks that kids believe in that – והוא חושב שילדים מאמינים לזה Mishehu hoshev aleicha (m.)/alayich (f.) – Someone is thinking about you – מישהו חושב עליךָ/עליךְ Ten/Tni/Tnu li lahshov al ze – Let me think about it – תן/תני/תנו לי לחשוב על זה Lahshov mi-hutz la-kufsa – To think outside of the box – לחשוב מחוץ לקופסה Bli lahshov paamayim – Without thinking twice – בלי לחשוב פעמיים Efshar lahshov – One would