Streetwise Hebrew

#198 Pick Up After Your Dog With "Tarimu"



The Tel Aviv municipality launched a new campaign to encourage people to pick up after their dogs. ‘Tarimu’ means ‘pick up’, imperative, plural. But it has another meaning in the Tel Avivi gay lingo. What does it mean? Looking for the full Hebrew version of this episode? You'll find it on Patreon. New words and expressions: Merimim et ha-yadayim gavoha la-shamayim - Raising their hands up to the sky - מרימים את הידיים, גבוה לשמיים Leharim - To pick up, to lift - להרים Tarimu - Pick up (imp., pl.) - תרימו Ya’chti - Hey sister (Ar.) - יא’חתי Im anachnu holchot achshav ba-mits’ad - If we’re walking right now in the parade - אם אנחנו הולכות עכשיו במצעד Ve-yesh eize mishehi kacha yabsha - And there’s this girl who’s a bit ‘dry’, idle - ויש איזה מישהי ככה יאבשה Tagidi la ‘yachti, tarimi’ - Tell her ‘sister, lift it up’ - תגידי לה “יאח’תי, תרימי' Leharim et matsav ha-ruach - To lift up the mood - להרים את מצב הרוח Ucht’ch tarimi - Sister, lift it up - אוחץ’ תרימי Tel Aviv, ir merima - Tel Aviv, a city which picks up